S.T.A.R Girls U. has a deep understanding that for a girl to succeed on a personal and academic level-parents, legal guardians and community members need to be well versed and educated in the proper skills needed to support their teen through her personal and academic journey.
At S.T.A.R. Girls U. we offer additional services focused on educating parents on various topics and strategies which bridge the gap between their daughters home and school life; as well as providing the parents with a full scope of what is required for their daughter/s to achieve academic success and properly prepare for college. These informative workshops are conducted in a comfortable and causal atmosphere and can be delivered in English or Spanish.

These workshops were created in an effort to bridge the academic gap between home and school. They provide parents with comprehensive information regarding state expectations, their children's legal rights, college readiness and studying tips and skills they can use with their children regardless if they speak English or not. Strategies are also shared on how to engage their children in meaningful conversations about school, graduation and college. The workshops can be delivered in English or Spanish. Click on the workshop title above to learn more.

This workshop is specifically geared towards new Educators who will be working with ENL students and students from different cultural backgrounds. It touches on topics such as: effectively connecting with parents who don't speak English, what you need to understand about English Language Learners and how to tap into students' Funds of Knowledge for effective classroom engagement. This workshop which can be split into 1 or 2 parts can be delivered during New Hire orientation. Click on the link above to learn more.